Welcome to the Winthrop Art Association!
Display your Work
Membership in the WAA entitles you to participate in events throughout the year. We have four “Art in the Park” programs scheduled for this summer at Crest Avenue Park. The Spring Art Festival, the first weekend in May, is an opportunity to display your work. The festival is open to the public and admission is free.
The WAA also sponsors an annual Video Contest for students. This year’s theme will be “EVERYTHING WINTHROP.” Entries are cablecast on WCAT and posted on YouTube. The first prize is $100.
Watch and Learn
Our demonstrations and workshops are great opportunities to learn and be inspired! We sponsored a demonstration with Martha Chapman on Japanese fish painting, the art of Gyotaku on Sunday September 29. On November 10 Page Coviello demonstrated clay art/sculpture. For more information on demonstrations, contact Dawn Mahoney, 6 17-846-2644.
Thanks to a grant from Save the Harbor, the Winthrop Art Association sponsored a free, public “Driftwood Collage Workshop with Richard Honan” on August 10. This workshop was one of the highlights of the summer in Winthrop! Thanks to St. John’s Episcopal Church for offering a back-up venue in the event of rain.
Meet other artists and people from our supportive arts community. We are planning a trip to Manchester, NH to visit the Currier Museum. For reservations, please contact Dawn Mahoney, 617-846-2644. A $25 deposit is required.
Last August the WAA sponsored a bus trip to Gloucester’s Rocky Neck Art Colony and the Cape Ann Museum.

The Spring Art Festival 2024