Dawn Mahoney
Dawn Mahoney
email: dawn6249@aol.com
Mostly self-taught and worked and studied with many working artists in the Boston area. Spent the summer of 1967 in Montreal, Quebec working with the artist Verdi of Montreal.
Mainly an illustrator working with Inks of all colors and also works in many other mediums.
A member of the Winthrop Art Association Since 1979. Through the years has held many positions such as Program Coordinator, President, Vice President, current President, Festival Chairperson and several other jobs in the organization. Chaired many special projects for the Art Association. In 1999 coordinated creators of the Winthrop panorama mural shown in the Classic Landscaping Co. design exhibit “life’s A Beach” (Silver Medal @ The Boston Spring Flower Show) and organized the appearances of 23 artists in that exhibit. Participated as a demonstrating artist with Classic Landscaping’s 1996, 1999, 2000 design exhibits. Co-Chairperson on “The Great Beach Wall Mural” in Winthrop.
Teaching at the Winthrop Senior Center and in my Studio.
A full time working artist/work hangs on permanent display in the Winthrop Town Hall and library and across the United States, France, Australia, Canada, and in the State House in Boston. Cover of the 1999 Calendar for Highland Real Estate and work also in the Town of Winthrop Brochure.
Design of four Holiday Ornaments for the Winthrop Chamber of Commerce. Designed two of the town banners and many murals for private homes and the Cummings School.
Have done many demonstrations through-out the state and have judged many art shows.
On the Massachusetts State House Art Commision from 2016 to present.