Beverly Brody Barisano
Oils, Water based Paint, Collage, and Graphics
Beverly Brody Barisano was born in Boston and graduated from Massachusetts College of Art. Her early painting was very much influenced by the city she grew up in; strong, structural forms, and bold shapes. Her work evolved around an interest in Cubism, which emphasized the flatness of a two-dimensional surface but allowed the viewer the feeling of depth by using line and color to venture in and out of the picture plane. After becoming the recipient of a graduate fellowship from the University of Wisconsin, she spent some time in the Midwest, where the simplicity of the landscape began to affect her painting. She developed a technique using oil on Mulberry Paper. Her focus became the interpretation of natural forms with abstract shapes, to break boundaries and create personal expression…to experience something we sense, but have yet to name. Ms. Brody continued to work in painting and graphic arts during the years she became a teacher. She taught in many local systems and retired after ten years in the Somerville Public Schools; knowing that her life as an artist had been enriched by teaching children.
Believing that art is a public need in the community, in 1969 she founded the Winthrop Art Association, an organization that has an annual art festival and perpetuates a scholarship to a local talented student attending college.
She is also a member of the National and Massachusetts Art Education Associations, Monotype Guild of New England, and the Cambridge Art Association.
She has shown her art in many galleries and has been included in local and national com0etitions and exhibitions.